The Lord gave us a clear example of what it means to be merciful in the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10. The Samaritan, even though an enemy to a Jew, saw him in distress and felt compassion for him. A merciful man not only feels with the one in pain, but also acts to relieve his suffering. The man who looks at the Son nailed on the cross, at the one who never did any harm, who came to proclaim the truth and seek that which was lost, can be filled with mercy. The one who was hanged on the cross looks down on those who put him up and says, ‘Father, forgive them.’ Why? ‘For they know not what they do.’ It is this mercy that is desired above the greatest religious and moral sacrifice – Matthew 9:10-13. It is more important that any rules, traditions and laws – justice, mercy and faithfulness are the weighty matters in a life of a believer – Matthew 23:23,24.