Sunday Service: If We Live by the Spirit, Let Us Also Walk By the Spirit

Berlin Immanuel Church gathered on Sunday, 6 May, continuing on the topic of Holy Spirit with the main passage in Galatians 5:16-25. After the Holy Spirit creates in us a new nature in a rebirth, what is the place of the Spirit in our daily life of faith. Apostle Paul’s answer is that we walk by the Spirit, we live by the power of the Spirit in everything that we do. We know that nothing good dwells in our old nature (Rom 7:18), and so apart from Christ we can do nothing of true value and worth that would please God (Jn 15:5). That’s why it is necessary to give lead and control to the Spirit in our lives. It is the Spirit that produces fruits of love in our lives. Paul makes it very clear, that it is not our works, but the fruit of the Spirit.

We absolutely depend on him to will and act out God’s good purposes in our lives. The ways we practically walk by the Spirit are most importantly: to acknowledge God for who he is and our dependence on him – Phil 2:13, Heb 11:6. Secondly, a person who walks by the Spirit receives God’s word, because the word is the Spirit (Jn 6:63) and prays (Ps 51:10) seeking, knocking and asking God to work in us. Moreover, we trust in God’s word and promises, despite what our feelings or experience might be, we trust the works of Christ over anything. If we then believe that the Spirit is at work in us, the more reason we have to go and act out what we know is righteous and holy – 1 Cor 15:10. Lastly, we must remain thankful seeing God bringing change in our lives and lives of others, we must return all glory to him (Col 3:17).