Members gathered for Wednesday service on September 14, continuing in the study of the book of Hebrews. The danger unbelief and deceitfulness of sin in verses 12-19 is no small issue, and we see in this passage that just as it is important for each of us individually to take proper care of our hearts, do no harden them, take out the rocks and cut out the thorns that don’t allow the truth to take deep root and grow properly to bring fruit, it is also our responsibility to take care of each other’s faith, to encourage one another.
A believer can fall into false security, just as Israel was warned in Deuteronomy 29:19, where some accepted the benefits of circumcision but lived in stubbornness of their own ways and thoughts. The Lord tells us in Matthew 7:21-23 that people can spend their lives prophesying in His name and doing miracles in His name, but never be known by Him, never have really belonged to God’s house (Heb 3:6). But those who have been circumcised in their hearts, have been born again in Spirit, make every effort to hold firmly on the confidence in Christ (Heb 3:14), they see to it that no one is deceived by sin (Heb 3:12), they strive through the narrow door (Luke 13:24), they don’t live in a false passive security, but look into their hearts whether Jesus is their treasure and their pearl.
As we are the body of Christ, each member is responsible for the other, each needs to be encourage and encourage others in this common effort to hold onto our confidence in works of Christ. Hebrews 3:13 calls us to encourage each other daily, not just on Sunday, but in every day life, in every day interaction, the way we treat each other and speak to each other is important in our holding firmly to our faith till the end. Just as love doesn’t seek its own, but the good of many, we should manifest that the Spirit of Christ dwells in our churches and lives by encouraging each other in faith and hope, not saying words that bring others down, but that help build them up in Christ.