Wednesday Service: Let Us Go On to Maturity

Church members gathered for Wednesday service on October 26, continuing in the study of the book of Hebrews. The main passage was in Hebrews 6:1-3 on leaving the elementary teachings about Christ and pressing on to spiritual maturity.

Hebrews 3:14, as well as last week passage 5:12 told us to hold onto the message we heard originally, and listen to the elementary truth’s again to grow in maturity. Today’s passage seems to contradict what we heard so far, but we are not told to abandon the foundations, rather move on to build on them. We are not called to simply preserve what we have, but move beyond the move beyond the basic truths and press on to maturity. Life without growth and progress is not healthy, we need to always check whether we have fruits of faith.
Verse 7 and 8 in chapter 6 give us a parable of two lands – both receive rain but one produces useful crop, and the other produces worthless thorns and thistles. The importance of faith then is to focus on growth which produces fruits of faith. The problem is not lack of understanding foundational teachings about Christ but not applying them to our lives, therefore lacking fruit.
And so we are not called to rebuild the foundations, but once the foundation is built, we must not stop there but move on building a house of God on top of it. Verses 1 and 2 list the basic knowledge a Christian should have and live out: life of repentance, trust in God, rebirth, receiving power of Holy Spirit, and believing in God’s judgment through Christ and the kingdom of God.
The passage concludes in verse 3 – ‘God permitting’ – reminding us that our spiritual growth and maturity is not accomplished because of our ability or talent, but we completely depend on God’s grace and power. Let us, therefore, have the mind of apostle Paul, pressing on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us (Phil 3:12), and being transformed into His image from glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18).